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EcoCentric sail past toting recycled laptop bags

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laptop%20bag%20ecocentric.jpgEco-friendly companies always surprise me with the materials they think to reclaim and reuse, and sails from decommissioned yachts and boats would never have bounced off the top of my head. Yet that's exactly what these laptop bags are made from, with the result that they are of course phenomenally durable and reasonably weatherproof.

Every bag is unique so there may be marks or stains on the fabric which will be explained on the tag inside which tells the story of where the sail came from. There are three internal sections, one with zip, and two external pockets to stash all your gadgety goodness. It's designed for more compact laptops being roughly 15" across and 12" high. £110 from EcoCentric (with free delivery as it's over £50).

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