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Altec Lansing goes into Orbit for your iPod

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Altec Lansing has launched its first ultra-portable iPod speaker. The Orbit, which is of course also suitable for other MP3 players, is designed to be robust and pocket / handbag sized but powerful.

To give rich sound through a small speaker, "Fusion 360" technology has been built in so a cone design and custom-built speaker project a completely spherical sound field. It also has another couple of handy features - you can't switch it on or off accidentally as you need to twist the speaker to do so, and you can wrap up the cable neatly using the integrated cable management. You should get 24 hours of playing time on just 3 AAA batteries, too. £29.99, available now from various retailers. Just remember not to use it on the tube if you don't want to pay twice.

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