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Envirovision Waterproof Television with Freeview

Comments (3)

No point having a TV in your bathroom if you can't get the Freeview digital channels as well. Luckily, the people at Envirovision have had the same thought, and now you can choose from four different models of digital waterproof televisions. These stainless steel, widescreen TVs also come with a range of inputs, top-up tv integration, and digital/nicam audio. Plus, you can choose from mirror polished, black mirror polish or gold stainless steel finishes. So now you can have a relaxing evening bath whilst shouting at the [politicians on Newsnight/idiots on a reality TV show/that Kellogs Frosties boy] (delete as applicable). Prices start at £999.00 and you can also get ceiling mounted waterproof speakers.


Related: Aquavision Waterproof TV | VisionMirror: TV in your mirror | Casio's Waterproof LCD DVD Player

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